Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stone and Ice book 1: The Lost Half-Blood chapter 5

I know what you're thinking.
Five chapters in three days? Britt! Get a life!
Well, in the summer, my life mainly consists of writing stories, reading Percy Jackson and watching the old Star Wars movies.
Every summer I find myself doing these things and it reminds me I have no life!

I was actually very nervous about writing this chapter. I've never really written from Faith's point of view and wasn't sure if I'd do it right.
But looks like I got through it! :D
I'm not sure how I'll write chapter 6 but it'll come soon (hopefully!)

While I was typing this chapter, my playlist kept playing love songs like "Looking Through Your Eyes" from Quest for Camelot. It's like my computer knows something...;)
Also, if it seems like Faith and Danny don't like each other but they don't, Faith loves her baby brother very much and Danny is SUPER protective of his older sister. It's cute :3

Well, time for Brittany to stop babbling about stuff and let you read.
Here's some funny pics :)

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